Monday, October 29, 2012

Profound Statements to Ponder...

One can look to religion to please society, but must look within oneself to find personal satisfaction.

consider hegemony-  forces that seek to protect and dominate certain cultural, political, and economic institutions and practices
The more we are absorbed within a particular society, the less we are able to objectively understand it.

consider reason- the capacity for rational thought, inference, and/or discrimination
Suffering is not always necessary to find self-fulfillment.

Finding Nirvana is Actually Easy
Leaders must be questioned otherwise errors will be forgotten and repeated.

consider interrogation- process of taking a critical stance around positions and issues and questioning arguments and claims

The line between being thoughtful and thinking too much is crossed when one begins to scorn positive aspects of life.

consider mental models- images, assumptions, and stories people carry in their minds about others, institutions, and most parts of the world

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