**This is the type of audio that comes to mind when contemplating Nature, Essence, and Passiveness.**
1. The Search for Spiritual Knowledge
“Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else ... Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it."“Om is the bow, the arrow is soul,”
Relevant Language of Interpretation:
Knowledge- the broad range of information held by a person
Essence- attributes that create meaning and identity in an individual
Silence- a refusal to speak when expected; keep from expression
Theme Explanation/Elaboration:
Throughout the text, Siddhartha attempts to find Self and the essence of his own identity, conducting his search in several different manners- he searches initially back while he was living with his parents, then by joining the ascetics (where he tries to use silence to evoke his essence), by acknowledging Buddha's teachings, by assimilating into a spiritually shallow yet materially rich society, and ultimately by simply letting knowledge come to him rather than by chasing after it. Although several individuals try to impart wisdom upon Siddhartha- namely Buddha and his father the Brahmin (who are both extremely wise men), they are not successful because one's essence cannot be taught, it must be sought after. However, the individuals who try to impart knowledge, such as Govinda, have a more profound effect on Siddhartha's search for Self because he finds knowledge less subjective than wisdom, which can only be attained through experience.
2. Obeying Society versus Inner Direction
“No, a true seeker, one who truly wished to find, could accept no doctrine. But the man who has found what he sought, such a man could approve of every doctrine, each and every one, every path, every goal; nothing separated him any longer from all those thousands of others who lived in the eternal, who breathed the Divine.”
Relevant Language of Interpretation:
Persuasion- communication intended to induce belief or action
Power- possession and ability to enforce controlling influence
Normal- a socially and culturally accepted way of living, doing, and knowing
Homogeneity- when group members share similar characteristics such as beliefs, values, and attitudes
Theme Explanation/Elaboration:
On Siddhartha's journeys, he is torn several times between listening to what society believes is right and what he personally strives for. His father tries to use his power as a prominent member of their society to keep Siddhartha away from the Samana culture, while Govinda attempts to persuade Siddhartha to join him in becoming a Buddhist. Everywhere he travels, homogeneity is an influence that nearly makes Siddhartha lose track of what he is truly searching for. The prime example of this is when Siddhartha becomes addicted to gambling and money and forgets how to wait and fast. Instead of continuing to practice what the ascetics saw as normal, he transitions to the normality of a materially-based lifestyle. However, despite the obstacles that society's guidance create for Siddhartha, he can ultimately count on his inner sense of direction to lead him back to place in which he is able to seek and find Self.
3. Indirect Searches Reap more Fruitful Findings
“What could I say to you that would be of value, except that perhaps you seek too much, that as a result of your seeking you cannot find [Nirvana].”
Relevant Language of Interpretation:
Passive- conscious or subconscious inactivity in which no move is made to fight for the initiative
Obstacles- negative factors that can keep humans from becoming self-actualized
Nature- a life without societal or cultural influences
Theme Explanation/Elaboration:
While Siddhartha is looking for Nirvana, he gets in his own way. He is so focused on his search that he is unable to find his inner Self even though he has the means to see it from the very beginning. In short, his obsession turns him into his own obstacle. This is especially clear when Siddhartha reaches the point at which he almost drowns himself- what bigger obstacle to finding out one's true essence is there aside from committing suicide? Just as Siddhartha is about to dive into the river, he unthinkingly utters "Om," and this passive action brings him back to his senses more clearly than before. After this, Siddhartha accredits nature- the river, in particular- with finally enabling him to experience Nirvana. Once he realizes that it is in nature- an effortless, passive, and non aggressive environment- that there are no obstacles, he is able to be successful in his search for Self. “Siddhartha stopped fighting his fate this very hour, and he stopped suffering.”
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